Historic Announcement

Netanyahu: Good news that will change the face of Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to the historic announcement of a corridor of railroads, trade and communication routes that will link India with the Middle East and Europe - and will pass through Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Jordan and Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: GPO)

The Prime Minister gave a detailed explanation of the new corridor that connects the countries and explained his words in an accompanying presentation. He solemnly addressed the citizens of Israel:

"Good week to you citizens of Israel, tonight I am happy to announce to you great news that Israel is at an unprecedented international focus, a project that will connect infrastructure between Asia and Europe, this connection will fulfill a long-standing vision that will change the face of the Middle East, the face of Israel and affect the entire world. This The vision that begins in India, passes through the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and reaches Europe.

I welcome the announcement made this evening by the United States, India, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, the United Arab Emirates as well as France, Italy and Germany. They announced the launch of a groundbreaking project to develop an economic corridor from India through the Middle East to Europe. And I am happy to inform you, citizens of Israel. That our country, the State of Israel, will be a central junction in this corridor. Our railways and seaports will open a new gateway from India through the Middle East to Europe and back.

I would like to thank the President of the United States, Joe Biden and his administration, for the great effort they brought us to make this historic announcement. A few months ago, the United States approached us regarding the realization of this historic opportunity. Since then she has conducted vigorous diplomatic contacts to bring about today's breakthrough.

Her vision reshapes the face of our regions and makes it possible to turn a dream into reality. The project will include the construction of railway tracks, the laying of hydrogen pipes, this is the energy of the future, the laying of optical communication fibers, the laying of power lines and other infrastructures. The State of Israel will harness all of its abilities and all of its experience with full momentum and commitment in realizing a collaborative project that is the largest in our history.

All government ministries will be guided by their commitment to the realization of this vision. I tasked the National Security Headquarters in my office to coordinate the work of the National Headquarters and also to document closely with the United States and other countries so that this vision becomes a reality as soon as possible.

This day is a day of good news for all citizens of Israel. A line that leads us towards a new era of integration with unique and unprecedented regional and global cooperation, together we will do and together we will succeed."


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