Eritrea Blames the Mossad

Eritrea: The Mossad is to blame for the violence in Tel Aviv

The Ministry of Information of Eritrea blames the Mossad for the violence in Tel Aviv. The embassy issued a statement saying that the demonization that the Eritrean government is going through is unacceptable

(Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The Eritrean Information Ministry published a statement on its Twitter account yesterday (Tuesday), in which it accused the violent incidents that occurred in South Tel Aviv on Saturday between supporters and opponents of the government in the country, as well as in protests in other parts of the world, on the major intelligence agencies, and primarily the Mossad, whom they claim are trying to "harm the Eritrean people."

(Screenshot: from the Twitter account of the Eritrean Ministry of Information)

They wrote about the violent incidents and alleged that they were carried out to disrupt the national and cultural gatherings of Eritreans abroad, with the aim of "destroying the culture and values."

Additionally, it is mentioned that "a detailed explanation of the facts will be provided later, so that everyone knows about the lies of Eritrean refugees."

(Screenshot: from the Twitter account of the Eritrean Embassy in Tel Aviv)

In addition to the announcement from the Information Ministry, a statement from the Eritrean Embassy in Tel Aviv was also published yesterday. In it, Eritrea's official explanation of the events was provided. The embassy also criticized "several Israeli entities" for demonizing the Eritrean government, something that they find unacceptable.

"The Eritrean community made all the preparations to celebrate one of the national holidays on Saturday, as has been the custom for decades. They were granted approval by the Israeli authorities as usual.

"For their part, the police also granted approval on the same day and at the same location to a group of hooligans. The Eritrean community had reliable information about the acts of violence and vandalism they intended to carry out and reported it to the police."

"The Eritrean community in Israel has an unparalleled record, just as it has in other diaspora locations. The recent events in Tel Aviv and other countries stem from a new agenda driven by external forces."

"Many of those who portray themselves as 'political opponents of the Eritrean government' are, in fact, not Eritreans.

"These are the true facts. In this case, the distortion of reality and the blaming of the Eritrean community in Israel, along with the humiliation and demonization of the Eritrean government by certain media outlets and some Israeli entities, is irresponsible and unacceptable."


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