The Polls

polls: The right-wing bloc is surging; Gantz defeats Lapid

The new poll results suggest a strengthening trend for the right-wing bloc, while Yair Lapid's party continues to experience a significant decline in mandates to the benefit of Benny Gantz's party

Polls (photo: from Wikimedia)

On the background of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's calls for legal reform, a new poll indicates a significant strengthening of the right-wing bloc while Yair Lapid continues to lose support, receiving only 15 mandates.

According to the poll conducted by "Direct Polls" for Channel 14, if elections were held today, the distribution of mandates would look like this:

Likud: 30 mandates

National Unity (Center-Left): 28 mandates

Yesh Atid: 15 mandates

Shas: 10 mandates

Yamina: 7 mandates

United Torah Judaism: 7 mandates

Religious Zionism: 6 mandates

Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit): 5 mandates

Ra'am (United Arab List): 4 mandates

Joint List (Hadash-Ta'al): 4 mandates

Meretz: 4 mandates

Regarding blocs:

Coalition (Right-Wing) Bloc: 58 mandates

Opposition (Center-Left) Bloc: 58 mandates

Joint List (Arab Parties): 4 mandates

In terms of suitability for the role of Prime Minister:

Netanyahu vs. Gantz: 44% support for each.

Netanyahu vs. Lapid: Netanyahu receives 45%, while Lapid gets 32% support.

These results suggest a closely divided political landscape with a strong showing for the right-wing bloc and a decline in support for Yair Lapid's party.


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