A New Commander

A new commander for 9900

New commander for unit 9900: Brigadier General S. will head the formation and replace Brigadier General Erez Moskal. Head of the Military Intelligence Directorate Aharon Haliva during the ceremony: "It's a privilege to serve in the reserves, securing Israel from the frontlines"

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

Brigadier General S. entered the position of Commander of Unit 9900 today (Monday), replacing Brigadier General Erez Askel, who served in the role for the past four years. S. will soon assume his role as the head of the Digital Transformation Directorate.

During the change of command ceremony held at Camp Glilot, the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, Major General Aharon Haliva, congratulated the incoming commander: "Your leadership is a compass of gold. Unit 9900 is a central pillar in the activities of the IDF. The precise and high-quality intelligence that the unit provides, along with the operational capabilities it develops, save lives and make the IDF a more ethical and efficient army," he said.

Head of Military Intelligence Directorate: "It is a privilege to serve in the reserves"

Haliva referred to the social situation in Israel and its implications for the IDF: "We are in a complex period for the State of Israel and Israeli society. Internationally, there is a shaking division. In these challenging days, Erez and S., your leadership, serves as a golden compass for your subordinates. They will see you and follow suit. The most meaningful place where we can influence the security of Israel, Israeli society, and our national resilience is right here."

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

Furthermore, he said: "In the IDF, the people's army, the army of all of us. It is a privilege to serve in the IDF, a privilege to stand for reserve duty, and a privilege to act for the common goal that unites us all. From all walks of life, positions, and worldviews – the security of the State of Israel and the people of Israel come first. This is the goal to which IDF soldiers and commanders work tirelessly around the clock."

Brigadier General Erez Askel, outgoing commander of Unit 9900, said: "At the beginning of my tenure, we decided together to engage in proactive action while maintaining constant movement. We established an enriched combat management including intelligence, a drone and aviation unit operating around the clock. We significantly enhanced the airborne operational output and led all aspects of space activities in Israel and around the world. Additionally, we collaborated with numerous bodies within the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, and the industries. At the foundation of all this activity stood one simple principle – doing everything necessary to strengthen the security of the State of Israel."

"'Not all the paths I wanted to take were the ones we went on; on the paths we walked, I surely made mistakes more than once'. Alongside the operational activities, we worked to strengthen the social resilience of the State of Israel by creating connections with various and diverse communities. We reinforced ties with the periphery and engaged in integrating special populations. It is a great privilege, but also an obligation placed upon us as commanders, especially in these complex days we are going through in our beloved country, to be on the side of turning away from evil and doing good, to seek peace and pursue it."

(Photo by IDF spokesman)

The incoming commander, Brigadier General S., addressed his entry into the role: "Today, I take command of Unit 9900 with a strong sense of responsibility. This feeling of responsibility stems from many years of service, primarily in the operational intelligence fields. In recent weeks, during the learning and preparation process for this role, I met with you – soldiers and commanders, men and women of the unit, professionals with a strong motivation who are ready for the challenges of the present and future. I encountered individuals with intellectual flexibility and organizational courage that undoubtedly will be utilized. I discovered a remarkable unit that has made significant strides in recent years, whose contribution to the formation of the overall intelligence picture is invaluable."


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