The funeral of Shai Nigarkar and his son Aviad HY"D, who were tragically murdered in the shooting attack in Hawara yesterday (Saturday), will take place today at 18:00 at the cemetery in Ashdod.
Meanwhile, in the IDF, search efforts for the terrorist who carried out the attack continue, and during the past night, they arrested two suspects believed to be involved in the attack.
As mentioned, the shooting attack occurred yesterday afternoon, when initial investigation of the incident suggests that Shai and Aviad Nigarkar, residents of Ashdod, arrived in the morning at the village of Hawara for errands. At around 3:00 PM, they were washing their car at a car wash facility, when an Arab terrorist identified them as Israelis, pulled out a gun, shot both of them from close range, and confirmed their deaths. On Saturdays, there are fewer soldiers present in the Hawara area, and the soldiers stationed nearby did not hear the gunshots due to the noise from the car wash.