Hezbollah Leader's Interpretation

Nasrallah: "The Israeli media spreads panic"

Hezbollah's leader delivered a speech in which he analyzed the situation in Israel. In part of his speech, Nasrallah stated that the Israeli media uses psychological warfare against Israelis and creates panic

(Photo: Twitter page of the PressTV network)

Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, recently delivered a speech in which he claimed that the Israeli media conducts psychological warfare against Israelis and creates panic that serves the organization.

Hezbollah's leader, known for his periodic speeches, has intensified his tone and activities against Israel since the beginning of the crisis within the state. Nasrallah's speeches have become a window through which one can observe how the organization analyzes Israeli society and his perspective on the ongoing situation.

In his latest speech, Nasrallah dedicated time to discuss the Israeli media and what he defines as a psychological warfare it conducts against Israeli citizens.

Nasrallah starts by explaining, "The Israeli always assists in frightening his population and public." He continues and quotes a verse from an Islamic religious text that states, "Thanks to Allah for granting us foolish enemies."

Immediately, Nasrallah adds context and asserts, "Indeed, the Israeli media assists greatly in spreading fear and terror among those 'settlers'... Its origin lies in the Israeli media, which inflates the matters."

Nasrallah continues and accuses, "They think they are waging psychological warfare against us, but in reality, they are waging psychological warfare against their own public."


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