An internal survey among Likud supporters published by the magazine "Meluchadim News" examined who is suitable to lead the movement, the day after Benjamin Netanyahu, and among the thousands of participants an interesting picture of the balance of power within the ruling party is reflected.
In response to the question of who is your candidate for Likud leadership the day after Prime Minister Netanyahu - in first place came by a considerable margin Energy Minister Israel Katz with 43% support.
The next four places are occupied by Justice Minister Yariv Levin (19.5%), Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and Economy Minister Nir Barkat (each with 7%) and MK Dani Danon with 6% support.
In the survey, respondents were asked to rank their top ten among Likud Knesset members and ministers, and these are the ten candidates who received the most votes:
1. Israel Katz
2. Moshe Saada
3. Yariv Levin
4. Amir Ohana
5. Amichai Shikli
6. May Golan
7. Tali Gottlieb
8. Dodi Amsalem
9. Shlomo Karai
10. Eli Cohen
Over 3,000 respondents answered the question about the identity of the next Likud chairman, and 5,000 respondents filled in the ranking of Knesset members.
It should be noted that this is not an official survey conducted according to the rules of a representative sample, the survey was distributed among dozens of WhatsApp groups of Likud supporters who were asked to answer, and is naturally subject to statistical biases.