A New York bookstore has attributed the last-minute cancellation of a book launch to a staff member, who reportedly said they "would not permit a Zionist on the premises."
The event for Joshua Leifer’s book Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life was scheduled to include a discussion with local rabbi Andy Bachman. However, just an hour before it was set to begin, powerHouse Books in Brooklyn abruptly canceled the launch.
Leifer, a journalist, took to Twitter to reveal the situation, stating: “Less than an hour before the launch of my book Tablets Shattered, powerHouse Books informed me they would not host the conversation with Rabbi Andy Bachman because they would not permit a Zionist on the premises.”
Daniel Power, the publisher and founder of powerHouse Books, explained to the JC that a "sub staffer," who was filling in for the regular events coordinator, made the decision after Googling the moderator.
Power said the staff member’s actions led to “reservations” about hosting the event. He emphasized that the staffer acted outside their authority and has been reprimanded. Power is now working to clarify the situation with the publicist from Penguin Random House, who was reportedly involved in the cancellation decision.
* The Jewish Chronicle contributed to this article.