IDF, Iran, Hamas

Is Iran trying to back off? Iranian FM taking a new tone

Following messages sent to western and Arab countries that Iran intends to attack Israel militarily for assassinating Haniyeh, Iran's Foreign Minister now says the response will be within the framework of "international law."

Nasser Kanaani. (Photo: Mehr News Agency, CC by 4.0.)

After threatening to hit Israel with a bombardment heavier than the missile and drone salvo launched at Israel in April, Iran may be trying to deescalate.

Foreign Minister Nasser Kanaani recently said that Iran's response to the "crime" of assassinating Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh will be within the framework of "international law."

Arab countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others made it very clear to Tehran that they would not allow anyone to use their airspace to attack anyone, Israel included.

Meanwhile, assessments of when Iran will try and attack Israel differ, with the United States and other western countries believing it will come in the next 24-48 hours, with the IDF and other defense bodies avoiding changing Rear Command instructions until further notice.


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This makes me feel a lot better, thanks!
Anonymous 05.08.24
Would be nice.
The Jewish Patriarch 05.08.24
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