IDF, Houthis

Houthis deterred? No strikes on ships since IDF Yemen strike

No recorded Houthi attacks on shipping have been registered since the IDF strike on the Houthi-held port of Houdeidah.

Closing in on the target in Yemen. (Screenshot from IDF footage of Yemen strike)

In the 48 hours since the IDF's massive strike against Houthi targets in the port of Houdeidah in Yemen, there have been no reports of missile or drone attacks on ships in the Red Sea as has been the case since the Houthis declared a blockade against any ship even loosely affiliated with Israel, the US, and the UK.

This morning (Monday) a former Houthi leader said the attack on Israel was a mistake, and that the Yemeni terror organization cannot contend with Israel.

"The Houthis use tens of millions of Yemenites as a human shield when they send a rocket and kill an Israeli citizen," he said. "They will cause the bankruptcy of the port. Israel is not like Britian and the United States, who only attack military targets. The conflict is between Israel and the Palestinians. We have no direct conflict with Israel."

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