USA, 2024 Elections, Trump, Biden

Wildest Trump quotes you might have missed in newly leaked video

No holds barred as Trump says exactly what he thinks of Biden and Harris.

Road sign with the inscriptions Biden and Trump on the background of the US flag (Photo: Shutterstock /Halytskyi Olexandr)

Former President Donald Trump was captured on video making harsh comments about President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, suggesting Biden might quit the presidential race.

In the footage, obtained from an undisclosed source, Trump is seen in a golf cart discussing the recent presidential debate. He refers to Biden as a "broken-down pile of crap" and claims Biden is "quitting the race," though there's no official confirmation of this.

Trump also turns his attention to Harris, describing her as "so bad" and "pathetic."

The video emerged amidst speculation about Biden's political future, with some Republicans preparing for the possibility of Harris replacing him as the Democratic nominee.

The Biden-Harris campaign responded, calling Trump's comments a "new rock bottom" and criticizing his "disrespect for women" and "disdain for black Americans."

This incident occurs as Republicans launch new attack ads targeting Harris, who has emerged in polls as a potential replacement for Biden.

Harris maintains her support for Biden, stating recently, "Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once, and we're going to beat him again, period."

* The Telegraph contributed to this article.


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Biden, Trump, US Elections

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