2024 UK Elections, politics

Predictions for UK elections and what this means for Israel?

Major historic change is expected for election results in Great Britain: so why the change? and who will be the next Prime Minister? 

UK elections (photo: Pixel-Shot/shutterstock)

In Great Britain, the Conservative Party is facing an extraordinary defeat after 14 years in power, with the Labour Party expected to return to power. Scandals, lies, and a sense of chaos have led to public resentment towards the Conservatives, with many government ministers, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, at risk of losing their seats in Parliament. Economic issues such as high inflation, rising prices, and a decreasing household income have also fueled discontent.

According to channel 12 news reports, series of scandals and a general sense of a lack of control in the country have led to strong resentment on the part of the British public towards the Conservative Party led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Serving as a major reason for the potential political switch to Labour as many are said to "be fed up" with how things are.

Labour leader Keir Starmer, who defines himself as a Zionist and is married to a Jew, is expected to take a strong stance on Israel. While he has taken a favourable position towards Israel during the conflict, he may push for an end to the war and pressure on Israel to make concessions. Starmer has indicated a willingness to respect international treaties, including potential arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court against Israeli leaders.

It is suggested that Starmer's Foreign Minister, David Lemmy, may have more left-leaning positions on Israel, but Starmer is likely to align closely with US foreign policy under President Biden. Despite speculation about a potential arms embargo on Israel by a Labour government, it is unlikely that Starmer will approve such a measure. The overall sentiment is that Starmer's government may have a different approach to Israel compared to the outgoing Conservative government, but significant shifts are not expected.


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