USA, Joe Biden, Donald Trump

It's time for Joe to go: More disastrous details about Joe Biden's true cognitive state 

Biden is known as the 10am - 4pm president because those are the hours when his mental acuity is least in question.

Joe Biden, President of United States of America. (Photo: Shutterstock / ArChe1993)

The president of America holds what is arguably one of the most senior positions throughout the world. Despite this, America's current President Joe Biden is showing increasing signs of cognitive decline. This comes amid increased scrutiny following his recent debate performance against former President Donald Trump, which left many Democrats rattled.

While Biden's debate mishaps shocked some, his inner circle has long been aware of his cognitive challenges. As reported by the New York Post, White House aides have been diligently working to limit his exposure to situations where his cognitive lapses could become public and to adapt the daily operations of the presidency to suit an octogenarian's needs.

At 81, Biden is the oldest sitting president of America. Claims of elder abuse have been lobbed at his wife Jill and his team as his age is getting in the way of his doing the job. In fact, he is known to be prone to gaffes and fatigue outside of a six-hour window between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to an Axios report. This pattern is especially evident during international travels.

From utilizing shorter stairs when boarding Air Force One to guiding him carefully to mitigate concerns about his gait and occasional disorientation, his team has ramped up efforts to shield him from potential pitfalls.

Chandler West, the former deputy director of photography at the White House, revealed on Instagram that the administration has long acknowledged Biden's decline privately. "They will say he has a 'cold' or had a 'bad night,' but for weeks and months, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago," West commented following the debate.

The absence of a clear succession plan only compounds the concern. A senior Democratic campaign adviser admitted to CNN, "A true succession plan does not exist. That's what makes all of this not just heartbreaking but very problematic."

The White House has pushed back against these characterizations of Biden’s mental acuity. Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates emphasized that the president maintains a rigorous schedule, citing his achievements in expanding NATO, boosting domestic manufacturing, and outmaneuvering Republicans on key policy issues as evidence of his capability.

In addition to his cognitive challenges, Biden reportedly wears orthopedic shoes and has undergone physical therapy to manage stiffness, as disclosed by the White House physician. Following his fall at the Air Force Academy commencement last year, aides have been vigilant in preventing similar incidents.

Concerns about Biden's ability to lead have been exacerbated by his limited press access. Data from the American Presidency Project shows that he has held the fewest solo press conferences of any president since at least the late 1980s, despite numerous crises, including wars and economic upheaval.

Moreover, Biden rarely grants sit-down interviews. In one such rare interview with Time Magazine earlier this month, he confused Chinese President Xi Jinping with Russian President Vladimir Putin and made several factual errors.

Michael LaRosa, a former spokesman for the first lady, criticized the campaign strategy of shielding Biden from public scrutiny. "You can't run for president by duck and cover," he said on Fox News’ “Media Buzz.”

Behind the scenes, First Lady Jill Biden has reportedly lashed out at aides who fail to curtail pressers where Biden makes gaffes. Instances of Biden rambling, making verbal blunders, and appearing disoriented have fueled online speculation and concern.

In a recent push to counter these narratives, the White House labeled several viral clips of Biden as "cheap fakes," accusing them of being heavily edited to paint an unfair picture.

Despite these efforts, Biden’s debate performance was viewed by many as a low point. During the debate, which was watched by an estimated 51 million Americans, Biden struggled with a raspy voice, gave incoherent answers, and at times stared blankly into the cameras. He looked like a very, very old man, more suited to a retirement village than to being the President.

In the aftermath, some Democrats have expressed frustration with Biden’s inner circle. "This is about our country. It’s an utter disaster that has to be addressed," an adviser connected to the West Wing told Axios.

Polls reflect the shaken confidence. A CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that 72% of respondents, including 41% of Democrats, believe Biden lacks the necessary mental and cognitive health to serve as president.

Yet, enthusiasm for an alternative candidate remains tepid. Deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty highlighted a Data for Progress survey showing Trump leading against all top Democrats, but stressed that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris performed the strongest.

As the Democratic National Convention approaches, Biden is expected to be confirmed as the party’s presidential nominee. Whether the president can alleviate growing concerns about his cognitive state and leadership remains to be seen.


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