Biden, health report

Concerning: A new report on Biden's health may leave Democrats even more worried

Amid questioning of Biden's ability to run for President following his disappointing performance at the debate the other night, a new report has come to light that may cause added panic to the situation.

President Biden. (Photo: Jonah Elkowitz/Shutterstock)

President Biden, aged 81, reportedly faces challenges functioning effectively outside a six-hour window during daylight hours, according to a concerning new report.

The octogenarian commander-in-chief, prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue, reportedly struggles outside the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and while traveling abroad, as per White House aides speaking to Axios in an unusual attempt to explain his troubling debate performance, New York Post reports.

During the 90-minute presidential debate, which commenced five hours after his peak performance period at 9 p.m., Biden frequently appeared distant or perplexed, often pausing mid-sentence, misspeaking, or struggling to articulate coherent thoughts. The late-night performance raised serious questions about his ability to serve another four-year term, particularly given that he would reach the age of 86 by the end of a potential second term.

This update comes amid worries regarding Biden's health and ability to defeat Donald Trump as US President this coming November. Democrats have become increasingly concerned after Biden seemed to stumble in his debate with former president Trump, leading to questions arising as to his viability to run the country and live up to the role at his later age.

Following the disastrous debate, the Chicago Tribune Editorial board and Georgia's Atlanta Journal Constitutional Editorial Board have both called for Biden to step down from running for President and drop out early from the race to allow another Democratic candidate to take his place, Belaaz news reports.

Beyond this, CBS conducted a poll that only further confirmed the publics concern on the matter. Reporting that 72% of voters didn't believe that Biden was mentally or cognitively capable to serve as president. With a shocking 45% of Democrats answering that it would be better if he stepped down and allowed another to run for his position instead.


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