Antisemitism, German Citizenship

Wonderful news: new German citizenship law requires declaration of Israel's right to exist

In a massive step forward against Anti-Semitism, Germany has made amendments to those who wish to obtain a German passport in order to protect Jewish rights in Germany. 

Germany and Israel flags (photo: esfera/shutterstock)

Berlin has implemented a new citizenship law mandating that applicants affirm Israel's right to exist, alongside questions addressing antisemitism and Jewish life in Germany. The Interior Minister highlighted these additions amidst an 83% rise in hate incidents reported to the government's antisemitism combating agency.

The policy aims to ensure alignment with German 'values,' officials state. Prospective German citizens are now required to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

Germany has reaffirmed its strong support for Israel and intensified efforts against antisemitism since October. The new measures reflect Berlin's commitment to supporting Israel.

Furthermore, Berlin has recently eased stringent citizenship laws, reducing the time required for eligibility and allowing for dual nationality.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser emphasized on Tuesday, as the law came into effect, "Anyone who shares our values and makes an effort can now obtain German citizenship more quickly, without needing to relinquish their previous nationality."

"However," she added, "we have also made it unequivocal: those who do not share our values cannot obtain German citizenship. We have drawn a clear line and significantly tightened the law compared to before."


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Cyber attack, Iran Hezbollah

"Iranian cyber attacks are a threat to us all" - Israel cyber chief

In a recent statement Israeli cyber chief states "Iranian attacks have tripled since October 7."  "Iran's cyber attack is an international problem, not just an Israeli problem, and therefore the solution must be international," he added.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Internal threats, espionage

Shocking: Beit Shemesh man arrested for spying for Iran

This morning, A religious Jew living in Ramat Beit Shemesh has been detained for espionage under suspicion he was allegedly spying for Iran. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Tourism, North Israel

The safest place in North Israel

With Israel's tourism in an all time low due to the war, here is a place that remains still amid all the chaos and how it has survived till now. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

ADL Survey, Anti-Semitism

Eye-opening ADL survey: Nearly 40% of respondents agree with anti-Semitic stereotypes

The new survey was conducted in seven countries with substantial Jewish populations. 

Avi Nachmani | 27.06.24

Israel-Iran-Russia relations

A reassuring message to Israel? This is Iran's promise to Russia

Vyacheslav Matozov, a former Russian diplomat, says that Iran has no ambitions to produce nuclear weapons: "All relations between Russia and Iran are based from the beginning on the fact that Iran has no ambitions to build a nuclear military legacy"

JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Anti-Semitism, London

Mother of assaulted 11-year-old Jewish boy considers leaving Britain for good

The shocking attack against a group of schoolboys took place on London's Underground.

Avi Nachmani | 27.06.24

Antisemitism, US

Subway Antisemite turns himself in, faces charges

An anti-Israel protester wanted by New York police has surrendered after threatening subway passengers.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24

breaking news, US Gaza peace proposal

Just in: Hamas officially rejects ceasefire deal

The UN endorsed Israel-Gaza peace proposal set forward by US president Joe Biden has been rejected by terror organisation, Hamas. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24

Hezbollah, Germany, Holland

Report: More countries calling on their citizens to leave Lebanon

This move comes after Canada has called on its citizens to do the same, pointing to real fears of a general war in the north.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24

High Tech, Layoffs, eBay

eBay to slash jobs in Israel amid global restructuring

This is the third time eBay has laid off employees in Israel. The last round saw around 30 employees lose their jobs.

Avi Nachmani | 26.06.24

Crime, North Israel

Operation 'North spark' reveals Israel's internal threat

A recent Israeli police anti-crime operation has demonstrated the violence Israel faces both inside and outside their borders.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24

Hezbollah, Lebanon Airport weapons stash

Hiding something? tour of Lebanon airport cut short as certain areas are 'out of bounds'

Amid allegations that Hezbollah is storing weapons in Lebanese airport, Ambassadors and journalists arrived to refute the claims, but were denied full access to the area, spiking further suspicion. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.06.24