United Kingdom, Iran

UK: Both Conservative and Labour parties plan to ban IRGC after election

Whoever wins in the British snap election, legislation banning Iran's IRGC is likely to be passed quickly, if elections promises are kept.

Netanyahu and Sunak. (Photo: Avi Ochayon, Government Press Office)

The British Telegraph reports that the two leading parties in Britain plan to designate Iran's IRGC as a terrorist organization after the election this coming July 4.

According to the report, the Labour Party, which is leading polls by far, and the incumbent Conservative Party, are preparing legislative plans allowing for designating Iran's IRGC as a terrorist organization.

This is an unusual agreement between the two parties, which seem to disagree on everything except this issue.

In terms of timelines, the winning party is expected to rapidly advance the matter and begin legislation immediately upon Parliament convening after the election, in order to not squander such a rare opporunity.


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