Iran, Israel

FM Katz on IAEA resolution holding Iran to international obligations: "The free world must stop Iran now – before it's too late"

Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors demanding Iran adhere to its international obligations regarding nuclear development.

Iran's nuclear program. (Photo: Tomasz Makowski/Shutterstock)

Today (Wednesday), Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors demanding Iran adhere to its international obligations regarding nuclear development.

Katz said on X that "This is the first resolution in 19 months on Iranian violations, paving the way for further actions against Iran's nuclear activities. This resolution emphasizes the danger Iran poses to global security and stability and underscores the free world's determination to halt Iran's nuclear program."

This resolution was passed by the Board of Governors after the United States changed its position from opposition to support.

After previously not supporting the resolution by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom against Iran over its nuclear program, the United States decided to support the resolution as part of a broader strategy.

US Ambassador to International Organizations in Vienna Laura Holgate explained this was due to three developments.

First, "Iran has thus far failed to provide the legally required cooperation necessary to resolve long outstanding safeguards issues involving evidence of nuclear material at undeclared locations."

Second, "there is a deeply troubling and steady drumbeat of recent statements from senior Iranian officials threatening that Iran may reconsider its stated nuclear doctrine and asserting that Iran has all the technical capabilities needed to quickly to build nuclear weapons should it decide to do so."

Third, "Iran has repeatedly responded to the resolutions adopted by this Board in recent years with escalation instead of cooperation, including by producing 60 percent enriched uranium at its heavily fortified, underground facility at Fordow."


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