Iran Attack, Saudi Arabia, Iran

Saudi Arabia and Jordan counter Iranian criticism that they helped intercept missile and drone attack on Israel

According to Kann 11 News, both countries insisted that the decision to intercept the projectiles was "a matter of sovereignty."

Iran, overshadowing the Middle East. (Photo: 3d_illustrator/Shutterstock)

Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have pushed back against Iranian attacks on both countries for intercepting missiles and drones overflying their territory en route to Israel, insisting this was a matter of "sovereignty," according to Kann 11 reporter Roi Kais.

According to Kais, Jordan has summoned its Iranian ambassador, calling on the country to cease its attacks on Jordan for intercepting projectiles over its territory.

A Saudi source, meanwhile, told Kais that the war in Gaza was "engineered" to destroy relations between Israel and Iran.


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Hezbollah, Arab League

Arab League official: Comments on Hezbollah not being considered terrorist group "misinterpreted"

Arab League assistant secretary-general Hossam Zaki claims that removing the "terrorist" label does not mean that reservations regarding the organization's behavior have ceased to exist.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Red Sea, Shipping

US-led coalition destroys Houthi radar site

CENTCOM has updated that the US-led coalition of Operation Prosperity Guardian struck a radar site belonging to Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Iran, Israel-Hezbollah war, Lebanon

Iran threats: "We plan to send missiles to Israel once more"

Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, who leads the Aerospace Division of Iran's IRGC, spoke yesterday (Monday) during a meeting with relatives of Hamas terrorists killed in Gaza due to Israeli airstrikes.

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

Crime, Weapon smuggling Israel, Jordan

Police foil largest gun smuggling attempt from Jordan

IDF and police have caught their largest haul yet of illegal weapons smuggled from Jordan. Security forces have reported that the discovery of 75 handguns and numerous gun components in abandoned bags is the biggest seizure since the start of the war.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

Hezbollah war, Israel-Lebanon-Iran

Report: This is the likelihood of War with Hezbollah

Former Mossad senior official David Elam addresses the possibility of war in the north, stating that neither Nasrallah nor Hezbollah are interested in it. He also remarked, "The American government is displaying hints that are also evident in negotiations."

JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Iran, Hezbollah Lebanon war

Iran threatens to 'obliterate' Israel if war breaks out with Hezbollah 

With tensions rising in the Northern region, Iran has made a clear warning to Israel that if it pursues an offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, it will be destroyed. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Globes: Hamas using Chinese anti-tank missiles

A propaganda clip recently released by Hamas shows them using a Chinese guided anti-tank missile against IDF armored vehicles.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

Iran, Airbus A340

Brazen: How Iran stole two Airbus A340s in plain daylight

The planes were smuggled out of Lithuania, their transponders turned off on entry into Iranian airspace.

Gila Isaacson | 28.06.24

Iran, Elections, Islamic Republic

Iran at a Crossroads: Presidential Election Tests Public Faith in Islamic Republic

As voters choose a new president, the future of the Islamic Republic hangs in the balance.

Gila Isaacson | 28.06.24

Health, US water system

America's drinking water is under attack

Cyberattacks on the countries water supply have become a growing concern across America with its drinking water becoming at risk as sources seem to trace back to Iran, China, and Russia. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Israel-Iran-Russia relations

A reassuring message to Israel? This is Iran's promise to Russia

Vyacheslav Matozov, a former Russian diplomat, says that Iran has no ambitions to produce nuclear weapons: "All relations between Russia and Iran are based from the beginning on the fact that Iran has no ambitions to build a nuclear military legacy"

JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

United Kingdom, Iran

UK: Both Conservative and Labour parties plan to ban IRGC after election

Whoever wins in the British snap election, legislation banning Iran's IRGC is likely to be passed quickly, if elections promises are kept.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24