FBI, Israel-Gaza War

FBI questions Oklahoma woman over anti-Semitic FB posts

The woman, a Muslim resident of Stillwater, Oklahoma, insists she's just practicing her faith and is afraid authorities will "go after" her and fellow Muslims.

Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)

A homemade video of FBI agents showing up at the door of a Muslim woman from Stillwater, Oklahoma, and asking to question her over social media posts has gone viral after the woman accused the federal agency of impinging on her constitutional rights and threatening the Muslim community as a whole.

According to a Fox News report, following the failed attempt to question her, Rolla Abdeljawad wrote: "...it seems like a fishing expedition. I do not fear them. My only concern as, I told the cop is that, someone in my state will do something or that they would and then use my posts in a malicious attempt to 'smear' me. Just *remember, I am a Muslim, an obligated protector of creation. I enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong."

While it's not clear what social media posts the FBI wanted to question her over in the first place, it was apparent that Abdeljawad was angry at Israel for its attacks on Gaza following the October 7th massacre, and had posted a stream of antisemitic messages to her Facebook page. "Israhelli terrorist filth," one of these read. "They think Ramadan is a weakness for Muslims not, realizing Ramadan is the strength. #FreePalestine May Allah destroy every single despicable zionist, their supporters and backers. Ameen," she wrote in one of them.

A little more than a week ago, the woman had apparently warned that local Muslims were being monitored by the government, posting: "Don't fall for their games. Our community is being watched & they are just waiting for any reason to round us up. If you're Muslim and/or pro-pal consider all your media accounts, Google searches, mail, messenger, local mosques & political events monitored. #NYC #usa #PoliceState #FreePalestine."

The FBI, for its part, told Fox News that it was "holding up the Constitution," and "is committed to ensuring our activities are conducted with a valid law enforcement or national security purpose."


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

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