Possible Terror Attack

Atlanta man detained after ramming car into FBI headquarters

Police are seeking motives for the attack.

Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)

Fox News reported that a man was taken into custody on Monday after crashing his vehicle into the Atlanta, Georgia FBI headquarters building.

The incident reportedly took place after a local resident followed an FBI car headed into the compound. After a barrier was lowered to prevent him from entering, he rammed his car into the structure, causing minor damage to the facility. When the guards in the car he had followed noticed what was going on, they quickly arrested the man.

According to the report, the suspect was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for treatment and a mental evaluation. Authorities are trying to determine a motive for the attack.


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2024 UK Elections, politics

Predictions for UK elections and what this means for Israel?

Major historic change is expected for election results in Great Britain: so why the change? and who will be the next Prime Minister? 

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US politics, 2024 elections, Trump

Trump launches election campaign in Israel

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NYT: Biden tells ally he's weighing whether to stay in the race

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Pro-Israel Republicans are particularly warm to this potential VP pick

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Anti-Semitism, Italy, Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni troubled by fascist youth within her ranks

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Politics, United States

Biden's electoral woes continue with new poll

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Politics, United States

"I don't know who's making decisions": Multiple Democratic lawmakers increasingly frustrated with Biden

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United States

Report: Biden to meet with Netanyahu during his DC visit

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France, Anti-Semitism, Rap Music, Le Pen

Provocative new rap song attacks Le Pen's party and Israel!

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Joe Biden, Presidential Debate

25 Democratic lawmakers expected to call on Biden to step down

Reuters: the lawmakers from the Democratic Party believe that President Biden should immediately withdraw from the presidential race.

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Biden, Trump, U.S. Elections

Biden's Candid Confession: "I nearly fell asleep on stage during the debate."

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Gila Isaacson | 06:55