Russia-Ukraine War, NATO

Precursor to invasion? Russian ambassador disappears from Poland in "total surprise" 

Russian ambassador to Poland, Sergey Andreyev, disappeared unexpectedly last night and Polish authorities are unable to locate him. Commentators fear that this could be preparation for a surprise attack.

Vladimir Putin (Photo: Hadas Farush/Flash90)

A day after Russian cruise missiles penetrated Poland's airspace, Russia's ambassador to the country suddenly disappeared.

The disappearance comes against a background of simmering tensions between Poland and Russia over the last few days in connection with the war in Ukraine. Sources close to the Polish government told local networks that there is fear that Andreyev's disappearance is indeed connected to the air infiltrations and even announced the strengthening of defenses around the country's borders and airspace.

Commentators in Ukraine even claim that it could be a Russian preparation for an attack on Poland since, "spontaneous disappearance of diplomats in the past signaled intentions for a surprise attack, like the Russians in Egypt, or the Japanese in the US before the Pearl Harbor attack."

Over the past week, the Kremlin has been making efforts to pin last week's ISIS attack on Moscow's concert hall that has claimed the lives of at least 143 people on the UK, US, and Ukraine. Despite Putin blaming "radical Islamists" for the killing spree, the FSB, Russia's internal security service, argued that many questions remained unanswered, repeating unfounded claims that the attackers attempted to escape to Ukraine following the hit.

Ukraine has fervently denied any involvement in the attack, saying it was “absolutely predictable” that Putin would try to place the blame with it. The White House, for its part, confirmed that Ukraine had “no involvement whatsoever” while the U.K.’s foreign secretary, David Cameron, posted: “Russia’s claims about the West and Ukraine on the Crocus City Hall attack are utter nonsense."


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Biden, Trump, U.S. Elections

Biden's Candid Confession: "I nearly fell asleep on stage during the debate."

Biden's honest reflection on his debate performance and the challenges of his office offer voters a rare, unvarnished look at the realities of presidential campaigning in one's old age. 

Gila Isaacson | 06:55

Meta, Facebook, High Tech, Free Speech

Meta announces that word 'shaheed' doesn't necessarily indicate terror support 

Meta: "Shaheed is used in different ways by many communities around the world." 

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Hezbollah, Arab League

Arab League official: Comments on Hezbollah not being considered terrorist group "misinterpreted"

Arab League assistant secretary-general Hossam Zaki claims that removing the "terrorist" label does not mean that reservations regarding the organization's behavior have ceased to exist.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Public Opinion

Harvard/Harris: 80% of US voters believe Hamas must be removed from power in Gaza

In addition, 67% believe Israel should retaliate if Hezbollah continues to attack the country with rockets and other projectiles.

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UK, Elections, Politics, Israel-Gaza War

UK Election Showdown: Labour eyes historic victory amidst Gaza controversy

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France, Elections

Report: Macron working with the left to defeat Le Pen

Roughly 180 candidates for the French parliament have dropped out of the race, reportedly out of an effort to keep Le Pen's National Rally from winning an absolute majority, according to DW.

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Politics, United States

Trump maintains narrow lead and massive enthusiasm gap in post-debate poll

A USA Today/Suffolk poll shows Donald Trump leading President Biden by three points, but with a nearly thirty digit gap in terms of voter enthusiasm.

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Red Sea, Shipping

US-led coalition destroys Houthi radar site

CENTCOM has updated that the US-led coalition of Operation Prosperity Guardian struck a radar site belonging to Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Israel-Hamas war, Anti-Israel, Spain

Spain goes against Israel, joins ICJ 

Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez has taken a major stance against Israel, by supporting the ICJ and South Africa in their 'Genocide' allegations against Israel.

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France elections, Paris Left-wing protests

Left-wingers storm Paris as violent protests erupt amid initial election results

With the Right-wing national rally taking the lead in French elections, Leftist groups take to the streets to riot and protest across France.

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US military bases, europe, terror attacks

US military bases heighten threat level, marking imminent threat of terrorism

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Koran Burning, Salwan Momika, Le Pen

Following Le Pen's victory, the Koran-burner in Sweden plans to burn another one

Salwan Momika, who publicly burned the Koran in Sweden last year, intends to do it once again.

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