Israel-Gaza War, Brazil

Ousted Brazilian leader waves Israeli flag in front of hundreds of thousands of protesters

Hundreds of thousands demonstrated against the investigations into former president Jair Bolsonaro alleged coup attempt. Demonstrators also took issue with President Lula da Silva's hostile attitude toward Israel.

Jair Bolsonaro (Photo: BW Press /

Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets of the city of São Paulo in Brazil today (Sunday) to protest the investigations opened against the country's former president Jair Bolsonaro after he allegedly tried to remain in power despite losing elections to current president Lula.

During the demonstration, Bolsonaro waved the Israeli flag in protest of the current president, who recently compared Israel to Nazi Germany as a result of the military operation in Gaza.

As you may recall, at the beginning of the month, Brazilian police raided the home of former government officials and ordered Bolsonaro to hand over his passport after it was alleged that the latter tried to cancel the results of the 2022 elections.

“What I seek is pacification, it is erasing the past,” Bolsonaro said while holding the Israeli flag. “It is to seek a way for us to live in peace and stop being so jumpy. Amnesty for those poor people who are jailed in Brasília. We ask all 513 congressmen, 81 senators for a bill of amnesty so justice can be served in Brazil."

After losing to Lula, he refused to acknowledge the loss, as a result his many supporters staged demonstrations and in January 2023 riots occurred in the Brazilian Congress, the courthouse and the presidential building.

Activists demonstrated against what they called "rigged charges" against the former president. Some waved Israeli flags in protest against President Lula, who has been very outspoken in his attacks on the Jewish State.


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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Hostages

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Hezbollah, IDF, Israel-Gaza War

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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, Gaza Strip

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