Lebanon Complains to Security Council

After the Assassination: Lebanon in a Complaint to Security Council Against Israel

Lebanon announced the filing of a complaint to the UN Security Council against Israel, following the assassination of Salah al-Arouri. The complaint claims that "the Israeli aggression in Beirut is the first escalation of its kind, and the most dangerous since 2006."

The Lebanese government announced yesterday (Friday) that it filed a complaint with the UN Security Council against Israel, following the assassination in Beirut of the deputy head of the political bureau of Hamas, Salah al-Arouri. The complaint was filed even though Israel has not taken responsibility for the assassination so far.

The submitted complaint claims that "the Israeli aggression in Beirut is the first escalation of its kind, and the most dangerous since 2006." They also called on the UN Council to condemn the attack in the Dahieh district, to put pressure on Israel to stop fighting in the north, and to "take decisive steps to curb further Israeli attacks against Lebanon."

As mentioned, Salah al-Arouri was assassinated last Tuesday, when in Lebanon it was reported that the assassination was carried out using a suicide drone and missiles that exploded inside the Hamas offices in the Dahieh district. As part of his activities in Hamas, al-Arouri was in charge of the activities of the organization's military arm in Judea and Samaria and deputy of the head of the Political Bureau of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh. In addition, he was behind the wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria in recent years, and was responsible for planning the kidnapping of the three boys in 2014, following which Operation Protective Edge erupted.


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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Three projectiles land in Kiryat Shmona area; one starts fire

Three projectiles launched by Hezbollah landed in the Kiryat Shmona area on open ground. No casualties were reported.

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Report: Senior Hezbollah commander killed in drone strike

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Lebanon, Hezbollah, War, Israel

Opinion: Why Israelis are not panic buying even as the winds of war blow harder

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Regional Heharim Brigade completes exercise simulating war in Lebanon

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Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, IDF

On the Brink: Lebanon and Israel's Dangerous Deadly Dance

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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Unbelievable 360°turn — Senior IDF officials are in favor of a ceasefire!

They believe a ceasefire is Israel's best course of action currently, even if it means that Hamas stays in power. 

| Gila Isaacson | 02.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Lebanon, Hezbollah

Why Israel is starting to move patients away from hospitals in the North 

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Hezbollah-Israel war, Lebanon Flight, Travel

Multiple airlines cancel flights to Lebanon amid potential conflict with Israel

As tensions continue to brew between Hezbollah and Israel, numerous airlines have now restricted flights to Beirut and are changing flight schedules for the upcoming future. 

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

And now, in color: IDF eliminates terrorist in southern Lebanon | Watch

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Has a date been set for a war in Lebanon?

European paper BILD reports that a number of European leaders have been informed that Israel intends to launch a war on this date and on specific terms.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 01.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

You can check in, but you can't check out: IDF strikes building after terrorist spotted entering

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