"Espionage For The Benefit Of Israel"

Turkey: 33 Suspects Arrested for "Espionage for the Benefit of Israel"

Turkish Intelligence Services announced the issuance of arrest warrants for 46 suspects who allegedly operated on behalf of the Israeli Mossad, engaging in "espionage on foreign citizens" in the country. Thirty-three of the "Mossad personnel" were arrested in a widespread operation, while the search for the remaining eight continues.

Illustration. Turkey and Mossad painted flags on a wall with a crack. (Photo: OnePixelStudio, Shutterstock)

The Office of the Chief Prosecutor in Turkey announced this morning (Tuesday) that arrest warrants were issued against 46 suspects who allegedly worked in the service of the Israeli Mossad and "spied on foreign citizens" in Turkey. According to the prosecutor's announcement, "the investigation shows that Israeli intelligence was behind activities directed against foreigners living in Turkey, from espionage to attacks and kidnapping attempts."

According to reports in Turkey, the arrest operation occurred at 57 addresses in eight different nationwide districts - including Istanbul. The Turkish Intelligence Agency said that 33 of the "Mossad personnel" were arrested, and the search for 8 more continues.

As you may recall, last month a recording of Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar was published here in the news, in which he said "We will eliminate senior Hamas officials in Qatar and Turkey as well. This is the 'Munich' of our generation."

Following this, an official in the Turkish government said that "Turkish intelligence has warned its Israeli colleagues, reminding them that various intelligence agencies have tried unsuccessfully in the past to carry out illegal operations on Turkish soil - including an attempt to kidnap Israeli citizens in 2022 (referring to the attempts by the Iranians)".

He added that the warning and the message included the statement: "Failure to pay attention to this warning will have serious consequences".


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