Israel At War, 'Our Neighborhood'

TBN Israel's Mati Shoshani Unveils Weekly Middle East News Highlights

Mati Shoshani delivers a succinct yet comprehensive overview of key events unfolding in the Middle East. This week's headlines underscore the region's dynamic challenges and developments.

TBN Israel's Mati Shoshani (Screenshot from the video)

TBN Israel's Mati Shoshani delivers a concise overview of key Middle East developments: Iran faces disruptions in fuel stations, Jordan intensifies its efforts against drugs and smuggling, and Saudi Arabia takes a critical stance against Hamas.

'Our Neighborhood' (Screenshot from video)

Shoshani also explores how the actions of Houthi rebels are destabilizing maritime shipping lanes, shedding light on the broader implications for regional stability and global trade.

With his insightful reporting, Shoshani offers viewers a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic challenges and geopolitical intricacies shaping the Middle East.



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Tech, home front command app

IDF have created a new rocket alert system for your tv

The Home Front Command announced the launch of a new app on Tuesday which will distribute alerts and guidance for emergency situations on smart TVs. 

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

terror attack, west bank, IDF search

4 gunmen shot following terror attack near Har Bracha, IDF reports 

The military says IDF soldiers have fired at least four gunmen during search operations in the Nablus area for a terrorist who shot at Israeli civilians at a West Bank outpost today.

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

Smear campaign, Anti-Israel lies

Opinion: angry response to New York Times smear campaign against Israel

As lies continue to spread throughout various news agency reports, now 14 responds directly to that of the New York Times in their attempt to degrade Israel and sets the facts straight regarding the countries strength and readiness for war.

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza War

"May God avenge his blood" may now be added to gravestones of fallen soldiers

The Public Council for Soldiers' Commemoration, convened at Defense Minister Gallant's request, determined that the phrase is part of the Jewish tradition and thus permitted.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Hezbollah, Arab League

Arab League official: Comments on Hezbollah not being considered terrorist group "misinterpreted"

Arab League assistant secretary-general Hossam Zaki claims that removing the "terrorist" label does not mean that reservations regarding the organization's behavior have ceased to exist.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Public Opinion

Harvard/Harris: 80% of US voters believe Hamas must be removed from power in Gaza

In addition, 67% believe Israel should retaliate if Hezbollah continues to attack the country with rockets and other projectiles.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Lebanon, Hezbollah

Another one bites the dust: IDF strikes structure containing Hezbollah terrorist | Watch

Meanwhile, about 15 projectiles were launched at Israel from Lebanon, 10 of which were intercepted.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Red Sea, Shipping

US-led coalition destroys Houthi radar site

CENTCOM has updated that the US-led coalition of Operation Prosperity Guardian struck a radar site belonging to Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu on report of IDF wanting ceasefire: "It won't happen"

A report today in the New York Times quoted senior IDF officials as saying Israel can no longer pursue both the war and the return of the hostages.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Lebanon, Hezbollah

Regional Heharim Brigade completes exercise simulating war in Lebanon

The Heharim or The Mountains Brigade was formed as part of an effort to adapt to changing circumstances along the northern border.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, IDF

On the Brink: Lebanon and Israel's Dangerous Deadly Dance

Civilians on both sides of the border wait and watch, their lives suspended between an uneasy peace and the looming specter of war.

Gila Isaacson | 02.07.24

Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Unbelievable 360°turn — Senior IDF officials are in favor of a ceasefire!

They believe a ceasefire is Israel's best course of action currently, even if it means that Hamas stays in power. 

| Gila Isaacson | 02.07.24