Israel-Gaza War, US Jewry, Terrorism

FBI: Spree of Swatting Incidents and False Bomb Threat Appears Coordinated, Possibly Foreign in Origin

The FBI sent out a confidential memo to law agencies that swatting incidents and bomb threats appear to be coordinated due similar language and email methods, and possibly emanate from outside the US.

(Photo: Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock)

A wave of swatting attacks and false bomb threats against almost 200 Jewish institutions across the United States the previous weekend may have been coordinated and indeed emanated from outside the country, according to a confidential memo sent out by the FBI and reported on by ABC News.

ABC further reported that more than 30 of the FBI's field offices are investigating this wave of threats which have not resulted in actual physical efforts to harm institutions or congregants, though some led to Shabbat prayer cancellations and evacuations of buildings, according to USA Today.

The memo raised the possibility that the efforts were coordinated due to similar language and emailing methods.


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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

Heartbreaking: another fallen soldier in Gaza has been identified

On Wednesday, the IDF announced the death of Captain Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona. He served as a team commander in the 75th Battalion of the 7th Armoured Brigade and was killed by an anti-tank missile in Gaza City's Shijaiyah neighbourhood.

Eliana Fleming | 20:50

Israeli hostages, Hamas, Gaza

Just in: update on Hamas hostage negotiations

Hamas's response to the renewed hostage negotiations have been passed on to Israel, according to Mossad. Israel is currently examining the response with mediators. 

Eliana Fleming | 20:36

US politics, 2024 elections, Trump

Trump launches election campaign in Israel

The Republican Party in Israel has launched a campaign aimed at mobilizing approximately half a million American citizens living in Israel to participate in the upcoming elections. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 17:38

IDF, Israel-Hamas war, terrorists

The "war of attrition" against terrorists: IDF's new strategy in Gaza

A military analysis reveals why IDF forces keep revisiting the same regions in Gaza they have already conquered, and what their main goal behind their 'attrition' strategy is. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 17:22

Israel war, reservists, student grant

Reservist Students didn't Receive the promised grant from the Government

False assurances; reservist students who were promised a stipend for their service to the country and sacrifice of their academics, were hit with disappointment when they discovered yesterday they have not received the automatic grant. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 14:30

Israel-Gaza War, Postpartum Depression

War linked to significant surge in postpartum depression, study finds

Study shows exposure to war and terror heightens depression and anxiety in postpartum women, but mother-infant bond remains unaffected.

Avi Nachmani | 14:21

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Direct hit on home in Kfar Maimon

A rocket reportedly directly hit a home in Kfar Maimon in the south. No casualties were reported.

Avi Woolf | 13:30

Israel-Gaza War

Public Diplomacy Spokesperson: "More work to be done" before moving to less intensive fighting in Gaza

In response to a JFeed question, David Mencer, Spokesperson of the Public Diplomacy Directorate, said that the time had not yet come for the IDF to decrease the intensity of fighting in Gaza.

Avi Woolf | 13:09

Anti-Semitism, Italy, Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni troubled by fascist youth within her ranks

The Italian Prime Minister is doing everything to disconnect her party from its racist and dictatorial roots, but it's not working out too well for her. 

Avi Nachmani | 12:55

Antisemitism, France, Macron, Aliyah

Will Macron's support of the Far Left bring 50,000 French Jews to Israel?

French Jews see Macron's support of the far left as a betrayal, and the prospect of Aliyah looks more enticing than ever.

Gila Isaacson | 12:23

Economy, Tech

Israeli hi-tech rebounding from the war

Hi tech service exports, excluding startups, increased by 2.3% this past April, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics.

Avi Woolf | 11:56

Israel-Gaza Strip

IDF eliminates dozens of terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF continues to eliminate terrorists and destroy terrorist infrastructure in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 10:30