Documentary of Hamas Horrors

The Documentary of Hamas Horrors was Shown at the UN, Many Left the Screening

Ambassador Gilad Erdan screened at the UN the "documentary of horrors" from the massacre committed by Hamas: "On World Children's Day, the UN emphasizes the safety of all children in the world, unless they are Israelis. Our kidnapped children have become a footnote."

The horror documentary screening at the UN (Photo: Noam Galai)

Ambassador Erdan held, last night (Monday), at the UN, a screening event of the 'Horrors Documentary' displaying the massacre carried out by Hamas. Also speaking during the event was Mosab Hassan Yousef, 'the Green Prince,' who was invited by the ambassador. It was the largest screening of this film worldwide, with about 350 participants present in the hall, many of whom left during the screening unable to bear the horrors.

Ambassador Erdan said in his speech: "Today the world celebrates World Children's Day, a day that the UN itself set to emphasize the importance of children's safety. And yet, right now - 40 children are being brutally held in Gaza by Hamas - 45 days they are alone, terrified. Is the ten-month-old Kfir now learning to crawl in a dark terror tunnel? Does the two-and-a-half-year-old Aviv have a pacifier to calm her crying from the rocket fire?"

Erdan with Mosab Hassan Yousef (Photo: Noam Galai)

According to him: "Today, on World Children's Day, the UN emphasizes the well-being of all children in the world - unless they are Israelis. As far as the UN is concerned, our kidnapped children have become a footnote, and today, of all days, the pain is much greater. How is it possible that this organization and its bodies have not united - even once - to condemn the atrocities of Hamas?"

Ambassador Erdan to the United Nations (Embassy of Israel to the United Nations)

Erdan: "Hamas is a cancer that needs to be uprooted"

The ambassador presented a picture of Sinwar waving a boy in uniform with a weapon and said: "Look at this picture, a picture that says everything you need to know about Hamas. Hamas is a cancer that needs to be uprooted. The barbarism of Hamas defies all humanity. Hamas must not be allowed to continue to exist, and the UN needs to support Israel in destroying Hamas. Unfortunately, the UN also finances the terrorism education of Hamas in UNRWA schools."

The screening at the UN (Photo: Noam Galai)

The ambassador addressed those present in the hall: "Think about it: we know what Hamas did on purpose. We know what their goal is. And we also know that they will never stop committing such atrocities."

Hamas is a cancer that needs to be uprooted (Photo: Israeli Embassy in the UN)

The ambassador asked the ambassadors in the hall: "What would your country do to ensure that such atrocities do not repeat themselves? What would your country do to bring home 240 abductees, among them babies, women, and elders?" The ambassador demanded: "take this into account in the future before any future vote at the UN. We are also fighting to free Gaza from Hamas."


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