Simchat Torah Massacre, US Congress

House Watches "Film of Horrors" On October 7 Massacre

After being shown to journalists, the Knesset, and foreign diplomats, it is now the turn of Members of the US House of Representatives to view the grisly depiction of the Hamas atrocity.

House Members to view grisly footage of massacre. (Photo: Wikipedia)

As reported previously, the American House of Representatives viewed a film today (Tuesday) known in Israel as the "Film of Horrors," a compilation of Hamas footage and photos of the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist massacre in the south.

The film had previously been shown to journalists and diplomats, as well as the entire Knesset. During the screening at the Knesset, some Members left the room crying or in need of anti-anxiety medication. Viewers are also denied the ability to record the film in any way.

Marc Rod of Jewish Insider followed the screening and reported on attendance and individual responses from individual House members who chose to view the film on his X/Twitter account.

Over 100 people appear to have attended the screening, including Representatives who support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza such as Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Speaker Johnson himself watched for a few minutes.

Rod reports that at the end of the screening, "the overall reaction from members is stunned silence. Many seem at a loss for words. Numerous members crying. Have been told by multiple people that it’s hard to believe things like this are happening in 2023."

California Republican Darrel Issa said that "I'm feeling like I just went to Birkenau."

Meanwhile, Florida Republican Byron Donalds said that “I feel the same way I felt watching what occurred on social media. Israel must do everything it needs do to obliterate Hamas. Period.”

Democratic Representatives were no less shocked.

Michigan Democratic Congressmember Haley Stevens said that "I’m absolutely gutted. And I think seeing the video footage of people celebrating the killing of Jews shows what we’re up against. And the fact that anybody would encourage or condone what Hamas did that day. It’s outrageous. It’s unbelievable seeing footage like that in the year 2023, in places we’ve all been."

California Democrat Ted Lieu simply said "Never again.”

Tennessee Representative Steve Cohen tweeted on X that:

"Today I viewed the 47 minute video showing barbaric October 7 murders and desecrations of over 1400 Israel’s and others and hostage taking of 240. We must NEVER FORGET! NEVER!"

Members of the Senate will have the opportunity to view the footage on Thursday.


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