Israel-Gaza War, Blinken and Al Thani

The Discussion Between US Secretary of State Blinken and Qatar's Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Al Thani

Antony Blinken, American Secretary of State, spoke with Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, about the Israel-Gaza war and the situation in Gaza.

(Photo: Tomer Nomberg / Flash90)

As stated by United States Department of State, Matthew Miller, Antony Blinken, American Secretary of State, spoke with Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The call between the two took place on November 11th and its topic was the Israel-Gaza war and the situation in Gaza.

Secretary Blinken and Prime Minister Al Thani discussed the efforts being made to evacuate the people who are critically wounded, ensure the foreign nationals' exit from Gaza and increase the humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip.

Another important topic discussed was the immediate and safe return of the hostages.

Secretary Blinken also reasserted the value of the United States' and Qatar's strategic partnership.


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Hamas, Humanitarian Aid, Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Hamas beats Gazans who try to get to humanitarian aid (GRAPHIC) 

Viewer discretion is advised.

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Hamas, Hostages, Israel-Gaza War

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CNN reporter, Hamas terror

CNN journalist found affiliated with Hamas, promoted terrorism

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Hamas, Hostages, Israel-Gaza War

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Report: We had all the intelligence we needed to prevent October 7th.

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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, Gaza Strip

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Israel-Gaza War

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