
The Informative Initiative of the Israeli Businessmen in London

A unique initiative of a group of Israeli businesspeople in London was to display the photos of the kidnapped individuals on large mobile screens throughout the city.

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After the Ministry of Information closed down, private organizations and Israeli activists around the world are stepping up to fill the void.

A unique initiative by several Israeli businesspeople in London was to display the photos of the abducted individuals on large mobile screens throughout the city. These vehicles travel back and forth on the main streets of London and have generated significant interest among Londoners who are not very familiar with the situation in Israel.

The initiative is led by Israeli businessmen, Yisrael Feiga and Jackie Weiss. Feiga tells us that after seeing pro-Palestinian activists removing posters of the abducted individuals that had been put up by Israelis, he decided to do something more prominent and impactful.

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"We started with 3 trucks traveling around London with pictures of the children. The reactions we receive are quite significant. People are horrified to see a picture of a two-year-old with the word 'Kidnapped.' They stop our drivers, express their support, ask questions, and truly stand with Israel.

"When we understood the impact, we decided on 20 such trucks that would travel across England, and we even plan to duplicate this idea in every major city in Europe," says Feiga.

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In New York, Idit Zilberman, an American businesswoman, initiated an exhibition featuring dozens of pairs of shoes with pictures of the kidnapped individuals above them. The exhibition is displayed throughout Manhattan, and it creates a profound impact, in light of another reminder of our people with pairs of orphaned shoes.

"The goal is to remind the world of the tragedy of the kidnappings," said Zilberman. "We want to show that the kidnapped are not just numbers but people with families and lives."

Private Israeli advocacy activities are not new but are gaining momentum after the closure of the Ministry of Information. Many organizations and activists believe it's important to continue explaining Israel to the world, even without government support.

Israeli advocacy is a challenging mission, especially in a world where Israel is often portrayed negatively. Private Israeli advocacy activities are an important step in the effort to present Israel to the world in a correct and truthful manner.


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