
Erdan Presented a Video of a Hamas Terrorist Beheading a Man at the UN

Ambassador Erdan presented a video during the general assembly, showing a Hamas terrorist beheading his victim during the massacre on October 7th, illustrating the horrors committed by Hamas during the discussion.

(The ambassador's spokesman)

Ambassador Erdan presented a video during the general assembly in which a Hamas terrorist is seen beheading his victim in the October 7th massacre.

(Video: The ambassador's spokesmen)

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, spoke today at the emergency meeting of the General Assembly on the topic of the Israel-Gaza war. The meeting will last for two days, and tomorrow, a vote will be held on an anti-Israel resolution submitted by Jordan, which does not mention or condemn Hamas in any way.

The ambassador referred to Jordan, the author of the decision: "Those who drafted this shameful decision and organized this absurd emergency session didn't even bother to mention Hamas, let alone condemn it. The authors of the decision claim to be concerned about 'peace,' but the heinous murderers who instigated this war aren't even mentioned in the decision. This decision is a disgrace to your intelligence. It is incomprehensible that such a decision can be voted on – one that doesn't even mention Hamas."

Ambassador Erdan presented a video during the general assembly in which a Hamas terrorist was seen beheading one of the victims: "I've seen many clips in the past few weeks that will be etched in my mind forever, but there is one image that keeps haunting me when I try to sleep. In the video, you can see a wounded civilian, bleeding but alive, lying on the floor, while a Hamas terrorist barbarically shouts 'Allahu Akbar' again and again while beheading the man with a knife. The man is a Thai agricultural worker. He is not Israeli. He is not Jewish. He was just trying to earn a living for his family. Israel is not at war with human beings; we are at war with monsters."


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