
Arab Countries to the UN: "Implement an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza"

Nine Arab countries issued a joint condemnation against "the killing of civilians and violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip" and called on the United Nations to immediately implement a ceasefire in the region. The condemnation was published ahead of the UN emergency debate on the matter.

UN Council (Photo: Shutterstock)

Just before the start of the special emergency session of the UN, the leaders of nine Arab countries issued a joint condemnation against "the killing of civilians and violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip" and called on the UN to immediately implement a ceasefire in the region. The declaration is signed by representatives of the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, and Morocco.

"Self-defense does not justify violations of international law, and disregarding the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people," the statement said. "We condemn the forced displacement of Gaza residents and the collective punishment of the Strip."

As mentioned, the UN emergency meeting is scheduled to convene this evening (Thursday) in response to the request of a group of Arab countries, led by Jordan and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In a document submitted on behalf of Jordan, it is stated that they "express concern about the escalation of violence and the serious deterioration of the situation in the region, particularly in the Gaza Strip and other occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel."

The Jordanians further emphasized in the proposal that they are concerned about the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and its severe impact on the civilian population, which consists mostly of children. They stress the need to provide immediate, safe, and uninterrupted humanitarian supplies. Additionally, they expressed their opposition to the relocation of the Gaza population to the southern part of the Strip, which they regard as coercion. The discussion will conclude with a vote on the Jordanian proposal.

Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, strongly criticized the Jordanian proposal. He said, "The proposal is biased and distorted, completely ignoring the existence of Hamas and failing to mention the barbaric massacre it conducted. The one-sided proposal is detached from reality, calling for an immediate ceasefire and not addressing the rocket and missile attacks on Israel or Israel's right to self-defense."

Last night, Russia and China vetoed the United States' proposal to condemn Hamas for its crimes in the attack on the communities in the Gaza envelope on October 7 and to support Israel's right to self-defense. In the vote held at the UN Security Council, ten countries expressed support, two abstained, and the United Arab Emirates voted against the American proposal. Following this proposal, the Russians introduced a humanitarian ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas, which was rejected after the United States and the United Kingdom opposed it, and nine other countries abstained.


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Palestinians call out support for terrorism. They teach terrorism and act out terrorism. They say that Israelis will never live in peace. If they want war - why should they get a ceasefire? To stock up on weapons and plan the next attack?
Israeli 26.10.23

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