A Lawsuit Against Hamas

For the First Time: A Lawsuit has been Filed Against Hamas in the Hague

The Shurat HaDin organization, which specializes in legal and economic struggles against terrorist organizations, filed a lawsuit against the Hamas terrorist organization at the Hague. Attorney Darshan Leitner stated, "If the Hague ignores this massacre, it has no right to exist."

The International Court of Justice in The Hague (Credit: Shutterstock)

The legal front: The Shurat HaDin organization has submitted a complaint to the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and calls on them to open a criminal investigation against the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad who planned and carried out the brutal massacre in Israeli kibbutzim and cities on October 7, 2023.

The organization engaged in legal-economic battles against terrorist entities and states opposing the existence of the State of Israel is demanding that the plaintiff urgently issue international arrest warrants against the leaders of the terrorist organizations. In the complaint, it is written that "on the morning of October 7, 2023, while Jewish-Israelis were celebrating the holiday of Simchat Torah and the intermediate days of Sukkot, thousands of Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants crossed the Gaza Strip border into Israel and carried out a wild and cruel attack against Israeli cities, civilians, and military bases."

They opened live fire at people who were dancing and celebrating and slaughtered hundreds of them

Furthermore, it is stated in the complaint that "the killing in the cities was unprecedented: upon reaching towns and villages, the armed infiltrators went from house to house, opening fire on men, women, children, and the elderly who had taken cover in their rooms and beds. They raped, murdered, and beheaded the civilians. In many cases, the terrorists set the citizens' houses on fire, forced the residents to flee the flames, and then shot them to death or kidnapped those who managed to escape."

The party area after the massacre (Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash90)

"They opened fire on people who were dancing and celebrating, and slaughtered hundreds of them. They then beheaded them. The armed terrorists spared no one, including medical personnel and the wounded they were treating. The heavily armed terrorists continued their massacre with mass looting and destruction of civilian property. This horrendous attack claimed the lives of more than 900 civilians, most of whom were men, women, infants, children, and the elderly. More than 2,600 Israelis were injured, many of them severely, and more than 150 individuals were kidnapped to the Gaza Strip, including infants and children."

26 different violations of the Rome Statute

In 2021, the chief prosecutor of the Regional Court announced the opening of a criminal investigation into "the situation in Palestine," thereby asserting authority to adjudicate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Shurat HaDin now accuses Hamas and Islamic Jihad of committing grave war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Sukkot massacre and attributes more than 26 different violations of the Rome Statute – the statute of the International Criminal Court – to these terrorist organizations.

The horror scenes in Be'eri (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

"Among the crimes committed are intentional, targeted killings of civilian populations, torture, causing great intentional suffering, looting, violation of personal dignity, and numerous other crimes, all of which were committed on a massive scale and in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions. In the complaint, it is argued that 'the crimes committed by the accused in the current attack are of the same nature as crimes they have already committed in the past in many other events but on a significantly larger scale.'"

Attorney Darshan Leitner: "If the court ignores this massacre, it has no right to exist"

Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the president of Shurat HaDin and the submitter of the complaint, said, "October 7, 2023, is now our September 11. Since the Holocaust, we have not witnessed such a horrific massacre against Jews. Entire communities have been obliterated. Men, women, and children were slaughtered in their beds. Women were raped. Heads were cut off. Children witnessed their parents being killed and then were kidnapped. Hundreds of civilians are currently undergoing torture in Gaza. It is inhuman, but more than anything, it proves to the world what kind of human beings we are fighting against."

Adv. Nitsana Darshan Leitner (credit: Shurat HaDin)

Darshan-Leitner continues and adds that "The International Criminal Court itself bears responsibility for the massacre. From the beginning, it has acted in a completely biased manner against Israel. Since 2014, Shurat HaDin has filed numerous complaints with the chief prosecutor of the court. All of them were ignored. Only anti-Israel complaints received attention.

"When we requested to meet with the prosecutor's office to discuss the complaints, not only did they ignore us, but they continued to meet with pro-Palestinian organizations and even Palestinian leaders who were the subject of the criminal complaints against them. If the court in The Hague ignores this massacre, it has no right to exist."


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