Israel-Gaza War

Greek PM: We'll Support You, Hope Humanitarian Price is Not Too Heavy

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis provided this statement when meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Mitsotakis and Netanyahu. (Photo: Kobi Gideon, Government Press Office)

As part of a round of diplomatic meetings, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met today (Monday) with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

At the beginning of their meeting, Netanyahu told his Greek colleague: “Prime Minister, my good friend Kyriakos, it’s very good to see you here. I always say that the only thing better than standing with Israel, is standing inside Israel. You’re doing that. I appreciate your solidarity and that of your government and the Greek people in this dark hour. This is a struggle against civilization. This is civilization against barbarism. We are on the side of civilization, and we must all unite against Hamas, which is effectively ISIS.”

Netanyahu with his Greek counterpart. (Photo: Kobi Gideon, Government Press Office)

Mitsotakis: We Hope Our Support Will Be Without Too Heavy a Humanitarian Price

In response to Netanyahu, the Greek Prime Minister stressed the importance of Israel’s right to self-defense: “Thank you very much, Mister Prime Minister, Dear Bibi. I come here not only as an ally, but as a true friend. What happened is truly terrible.”

Mitsotakis distinguished between Hamas and the Palestinian People from the beginning. “Greece defended and supported Israel’s right to self-defense in accordance with international law, and we are making a very clear distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian People. We will continue to be able to support you and hope that whatever happens, will be without too great a humanitarian price, but you can count on our support and our help.”


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Elections, Polls

New Poll: Gantz, Netanyahu, and Lapid all losing seats

A new poll Kantar poll for Kann shows the big parties losing seats, but both coalitions holding steady.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Politics, IDF

Netanyahu visits grave of brother who led Entebbe raid

The Prime Minister visited the grave of his brother who led the Entebbe raid in 1976, which freed most of the hostages held by anti-Israel terrorists in Uganda.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Clashes increasing between Netanyahu and Gallant over hostage deal

The two men running the war are increasingly at loggerheads over the details of the proposed Hamas deal.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates around 100 terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF also eliminated dozens of terrorists in Rafah and destroyed a number of booby-trapped buildings in the area.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF strikes Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip

The Air Force struck some 50 targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including booby-trapped structures, terrorist squads, and launch sites.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Elections, Polls

New poll: Liberman second largest party in Gantz camp, edging out Lapid

A new poll conducted for Maariv by Menachem Lazar shows Avigdor Liberman's party edging out Yair Lapid 14-13.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

IDF announces death of another brave soldier in Gaza city

IDF soldier from Ness Ziona was killed earlier today in the neighbourhood of Shejaiya in Gaza. He was killed while fighting Hamas gunmen with another soldier injured in the same incident.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

Suspicious object taken to police station - later explodes

A suspicious package found in Nablus in the West Bank was taken to a local police station where it detonated, injuring multiple officers in the incident earlier today, channel 14 reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Sport, Paris Olympics 2024, Israeli athletes

The Israeli athletes to carry the countries flag in the Paris Olympics

"Superior athletes": these are the two flag bearers chosen from the Israeli delegation at the Paris 2024 Games, according to channel 14 news reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Crime, Murder, Israel police

Arrested for murdering his neighbour, Police detain suspect involved

Police have announced the arrest of a suspect in the murder of a woman in the village of Jatt, following his flight from the scene. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Crime, Health, summer, heat stroke

Heartwrenching: 7 month old baby declared dead after being left in hot car

Magen David Adom services were forced to declare the horrific death of a baby in Ashdod after being left for hours in a car.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Hezbollah, Polls

Report: 50% think Netanyahu too restrained against Hezbollah

According to a Channel 14 poll, just 36% believe his policy of restraint towards Hezbollah is the right one.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24