Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is warming up on the sidelines ahead of the elections, and according to a report by Kan 11, Bennett and former Minister Gallant have initiated preliminary talks for a joint run. Gallant, for his part, denies it.
Chief of Staff on Gaza pressure for hostages to return
You're Darned Right
The US had a good hunch
It's The Latest If You Keep Track Of Them As They Go By
IDF Takes Action Against Terrorists: Homes of Two Attackers to Be Destroyed
All Jews are tightly connected to one another
Just Insane What's Going On
Shame They're Still Alive To Be Released
It's ok to laugh, too
Because when it comes to Hamas, nothing is ever simple
Trouble in Paradise
Down, but not out
What A Wonderful Sight
End of the road?
But he celebrated the October 7 massacre