The incident occurred on Rechov Rashi in the Chareidi neighborhood of Mekor Baruch. According to reports, the assailant, who was apparently unaware of the victim's identity, approached Mrs. Kepler with a knife. Despite her attempts to defend herself, the attacker managed to inflict a wound to her chin.
Emergency responders from Hatzalah were quickly dispatched to the scene. They provided immediate medical treatment before transporting Mrs. Kepler to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. Medical officials have described her condition as light, according to Yeshiva world news reports.
Law enforcement authorities responded promptly to the incident, and the alleged perpetrator was taken into custody. The suspect is reported to have a history of mental illness, though further details about their identity have not been released.
Local community members expressed concern about the incident, particularly given that it occurred in a typically peaceful neighborhood. The attack has highlighted ongoing discussions about public safety and mental health services in Jerusalem's religious neighborhoods.