In front of her 108 million followers, actress Gal Gadot shared a photo from the video of the kidnapped Liri Albag that Hamas released last night on her Instagram account and wrote about her feelings just before presenting the award at the Golden Globe ceremony.
"As I prepare for a festive and exciting evening, my heart is heavy and my soul is tormented by the fact that the hostages are still there. Every day that passes without an agreement endangers their lives. I can't help but think of the families waiting for them, counting the hours, the minutes, the hopes. They must return home. Everyone deserves to see them come back, alive."
It was further added: "Yesterday we received a sign of life from Liri – a sign that sharpened the pain that Liri, along with 99 hostages, have been held captive in the tunnels for over 450 days."
Let us remind you that this evening the actress is expected to present an award at the prestigious and important "Awards Season" ceremony – the Golden Globe Awards. Gadot was chosen for this honorable role alongside big names like Elton John, Demi Moore, Vin Diesel, Zoë Kravitz, and more.
The Golden Globe Award is an award for films and television programs, presented annually at a traditional ceremony held in Hollywood. The award is given by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) and constitutes a significant part of the "awards season" of the American entertainment industry, culminating in the Academy Awards ceremony.
The great importance of the ceremony is measured, among other things, by the impressive number of viewers it attracts, usually ranking third in height among award ceremonies, right after the Oscars and the Grammys.