A stabbing attack took place today (Sunday) in the village of Deir Qadis, near Modi'in Illit. A Palestinian woman tried to stab a resident of the city who had entered the village to repair his car.
According to the police and the IDF Spokesperson, the Israeli citizen, a resident of Modi'in Illit, was coming to the village for commercial purposes when a Palestinian woman suddenly arrived and tried to stab him.
The civilian managed to escape the scene unharmed and reported it to the security forces. Police and IDF forces quickly arrived at the scene and joined the civilian to ensure his safety.
Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the incident. The IDF has surrounded the village and is actively pursuing the suspect.
A potential terror attack was thwarted in Jerusalem's Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood two weeks ago. According to police, the incident occurred around 12:40 PM when the attacker, an East Jerusalem resident in his 30s, abruptly stopped his vehicle on Sayeret Duchifat Street and emerged brandishing a knife.
The assailant was critically wounded and transported to Hadassah Hospital, where he remains in serious condition. No other injuries were reported in the incident.
* The Times of Israel contributed to this article.