The Shin Bet is investigating how none of the many agents the organization operates in Gaza warned before the massacre on October 7, as reported by Channel 12 News. According to the report, Israel is aware of the difficulty in infiltrating agents into the Hamas terrorist organization – both because it is a small organization and because the organization's operatives behead anyone suspected of aiding Israel.
However, on the eve of October 7, dozens of agents were operating within the Gaza Strip, which did not prevent thousands of Hamas militants from crossing the border, infiltrating the surrounding communities, and reaching Ofakim, located about 25 km from the Gaza Strip.
According to the publication by Omri Maniv, the preliminary results of the investigation indicate that a minority of those agents simply misled Israel and did not truly serve it. Additionally, most of the agents, on the other hand, were simply weak and constituted only a part of the terrorist organization's outer layer – they were not part of the command or decision-makers. Therefore, despite the Shin Bet believing that Israel had agents in Gaza, in reality, there was no agent who could have ostensibly stopped the October 7 attack.
The Shin Bet responded: "We regret the biased leaks from interested parties who do not have the full picture. Since the exit from the Gaza Strip, there has been great difficulty in operating agents remotely in a dense and suspicious area; therefore, the service developed technological alert mechanisms that alerted the system on the night of 7.10 and provided a warning of unusual Hamas activity. The issue of agent operation is being thoroughly investigated these days."