In a massive predawn operation Friday, hundreds of police officers and psychologists descended on the "Lev Tahor" (Pure Heart) cult's compound near the Mexican border, rescuing more than 160 children and uncovering what may be a far darker story.
The raid follows shocking testimonies from four minors who escaped the extremist Jewish sect last month. Their accounts of severe abuse prompted Guatemalan authorities to launch their largest-ever operation against the group, which relocated to the country several years ago.
While no arrests were made during the operation, police seized computers, phones, and other potential evidence. In a chilling development, authorities also discovered buried bodies at the compound, with investigators working to determine if some might be those of young members.
Footage from the raid shows officers gently leading small children to waiting vehicles, pre-positioned for their evacuation. Prosecutors are now considering human trafficking charges against the cult's leadership.
Kikar HaShababt contributed to this article.