In a year marked by unprecedented upheaval in the Middle East, the BBC has named Einav Zangauker, mother of Gaza hostage Matan Zangauker, to its prestigious 100 Women of 2024 list, recognizing her transformation from a private citizen into one of Israel's most prominent voices for hostage liberation.
Standing at barricaded Tel Aviv intersections or addressing crowds with unwavering determination, Zangauker has emerged as a central figure in the hostage families' campaign. Her son Matan has spent 14 months in captivity in Gaza, during which time she has evolved into a formidable presence in Israeli public discourse, regularly confronting both media cameras and government officials.
The BBC's selection spans the complex tapestry of regional voices, including Palestinian medical professional Shireen Abed, who has guided Gaza's next generation of doctors through crisis, and Lebanese photojournalist Christina Assi, who sustained serious injuries while documenting the conflict. The list also features Gazan social media chronicler Plestia Alaqad and engineer Enas Al-Ghoul, whose innovative desalination work addresses critical water scarcity.
The Times of Israel contributed to this article.