Rami Igra, former head of the Captives and Missing Persons Division at the Mossad, addresses the current situation in the Gaza Strip and says that under the current circumstances, only a bad deal can be achieved with Hamas.
In an interview with 'Galey Israel' radio, Igra said: "As long as Hamas maintains civilian control over the Strip, we will be forced into a deal that is terrible for Israel."
Regarding Israel's offer to pay five million dollars to any Gazan who provides information about hostages, Igra said: "Why don't Gazans hand over hostages to us in exchange for the millions of dollars offered to them and immunity? Because they know that before they see a single cent, they will be dragged through Gaza in a vehicle going 200 km/h."
Regarding the compromises that Israel will have military control over Gaza, he said: "Military rule will bring a solution on one hand, but it will also bring us a lot of troubles, and it will be very expensive."