Mia Schem, the former hostage released from Hamas captivity a year ago, is now engaged to her partner of the past year, Yinon Hasson, The two were childhood friends and became a couple after her return from captivity.
She returned from captivity as part of the first deal with Hamas, which took place exactly one year ago. Since her return, she has said that she has become stronger in religion: "I have always been a person of faith and a very, very spiritual person," and emphasized, "In captivity, my faith grew like crazy."
Earlier this month, Mia Schem participated in an event at the Israeli consulate in New York, chillingly recounted the harsh conditions in which she was held, and called for the release of the 101 hostages still in captivity.
She took advantage of her stay in the United States to visit the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In a story she uploaded to her Instagram account with a photo next to his grave, she wrote: "I can't believe where I was a year ago and where I am today. Thank you for the right to make the voices of all the hostages still in captivity heard. With G-d's help, thanks to our prayers, everyone will be able to return home, reunite with their loved ones and take care of themselves. Amen, it should be His will."
* Channel 14 contributed to this article.