"If this agreement goes forward, it will address a problem that has plagued the region for years," Blinken said. "It’s the best path to ensuring peace, stability, and civility, and to ending the constant threat of attacks from Hezbollah, which has forced people to flee their homes and prevented children from attending school."
He also emphasized that the ceasefire would allow residents of Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon to return to their homes, providing immediate relief.
Blinken further noted that the ceasefire could have broader implications, including positive effects on resolving the conflict in Gaza. "What’s at stake are the larger ramifications, including the potential to end the Gaza conflict," he explained.
Acknowledging the U.S.'s role in the peace efforts, Blinken credited American involvement in securing humanitarian aid for Gaza and advancing ceasefire negotiations. "It’s clear that today’s developments would not have happened without U.S. engagement and determination," he added. "We remain deeply focused on this issue, and will be until the final day of this administration."