Aliyah, Jewish immigration to Israel, New app

Ministry of Immigration and Absorption Unveils New App for Olim

Despite the affect of the war, many Jews are making Aliyah and taking the bold step to move to Israel at such a time as this. As a result the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption has created a new App, "My Aliyah" in order to aid immigrants in their acclimatisation to Israeli culture and society. 

Jews making Aliyah (Photo: ChameleonsEye/ Shutterstock)

The Aliyah and Integration Ministry, in collaboration with the Israel National Digital Agency, has launched an application called My Aliyah, aimed at helping new immigrants adapt to life in Israel. Available in six languages, the app centralizes essential information for olim (new immigrants) and was released in early September.

My Aliyah features a direct link to the ministry's website, a personal section with key information, and a system to manage potential government entitlements tailored for new arrivals. The app also includes push notifications, a guide outlining initial steps after making aliyah, and reminders for important tasks that need to be completed.

Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer emphasized that the app is part of a broader digital initiative within the ministry, which includes a smart chatbot and additional services. He noted that this comprehensive support system helps immigrants from the moment they decide to make aliyah, facilitating their acclimatization process.

Sofer acknowledged some common challenges faced by new immigrants, such as bureaucratic hurdles, language barriers, and integration issues, stating that the app aims to alleviate these difficulties. Shira Lev-Ami, head of the Israel National Digital Agency, added that the agency strives to make digital access to government services as easy, efficient, and accessible as possible. The app is available for download on both the Apple Store and Google Play in Hebrew, English, Russian, Spanish, French, and Amharic.


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