Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: After 4 months, Maj. (Res.)Nir Hadad succumbed to his wounds

Hadad was injured in June by an IED detonated on the tank he was in in the Netzarim Route area.

Maj. (res.) Nir Hadad z"l (Photo: IDF spokesperson)

After 4 months of fighting for his life, Maj. (res.) Nir David Hadad, a resident of Petah Tikva, died today of his wounds.

The funeral of Sergeant Major Nir Hadad will take place at 6:30 pm at the Segula Military Cemetery in Petah Tikva.

Hadad was injured in June by an IED detonated on the tank he was in in the Netzarim Route area. Capt. Eitan Koplowitz and Sergeant Eilon Weiss were also killed in the incident.

Haddad was rescued conscious, but suffered smoke inhalation. He was hospitalized for many months, and last week even underwent surgery that was supposed to improve his condition, but on Rosh Hashanah, he died.

The family said in a statement: "Unfortunately, our Nir passed away this morning after being wounded in battle on the Netzarim route in the Gaza Strip. After almost 4 months in intensive care, doctors had to pronounce him dead."

Nir was a graduate of the Otniel Yeshiva and is survived by his mother Tzvia, his wife Chen, two daughters and brothers.

This raised the number of the current war's casualties to 727. May their memory be blessed.

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