Israeli Hospitals, Sheba medical centre, World ranking

Five Israeli Hospitals Among the World's Top Smart Hospitals

Newsweek has identified the top 350 smart hospitals globally, with Sheba Medical Center making it into the top 10.

Sheba Medical Center. (Photo: Omer Fichman/Flash90)

This annual report, produced in collaboration with Statista, highlights hospitals that excel in implementing advanced medical technologies. Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv is ranked 10th, while other Israeli hospitals—Hadassah Medical Center, Rabin Medical Center, Rambam Health Care Campus, and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center—fall between 101 and 350.

This year, it’s estimated that 115 million people worldwide will receive virtual consultations through telemedicine, alongside significant advancements in digital imaging, artificial intelligence, and robotics, enhancing diagnosis and treatment. Israel is recognized as a technological hub, contributing significantly to these innovations globally.

Among the 28 countries represented, the U.S. leads with 104 hospitals, followed by Germany (27), the UK (22), Italy (21), France (20), and both Spain and South Korea with 15 each. Israel, like Finland and Norway, has five hospitals on the list. Notably, Saudi Arabia has four, the UAE three, and Lebanon one. The top 100 hospitals are ranked numerically, while those from 101 onward are listed alphabetically; none of the Israeli hospitals reached the top 100 besides Sheba.

The rankings were based on a global survey conducted by Statista, assessing technology use and evaluating patient care quality through the Joint Commission International (JCI). The scoring criteria were as follows: 82.5% from peer recommendations, 15% from Statista’s Smart Hospitals Maturity Survey, and 2.5% from JCI accreditation. Peer recommendations played a crucial role, with healthcare professionals identifying hospitals that excel in electronic functionality, telemedicine, digital imaging, AI, robotics, and virtualization.

Sheba Medical Center has now been included in this prestigious list for four consecutive years. Recently, it has become a significant player in advanced medical technology, with company exits valued at nearly $1 billion. Prof. Yitshak Kreiss, Sheba's Director-General, stated, "The innovative spirit driving these valuable exits is the same that positions our medical center among the smartest hospitals globally. The day when Israel’s healthcare system becomes a leading innovation engine is approaching."

He emphasized the need to shift perceptions of Israel’s healthcare system from a budgetary burden to a profitable investment, warning that failing to do so could result in a loss of talent and a missed opportunity for economic growth.

Prof. Eyal Zimlichman, Sheba’s Chief Transformation Officer, highlighted recent advancements in medical technology and their impact on patient care. “At Sheba’s ARC innovation department, we collaborate with entrepreneurs and clinicians to address needs and foster technological innovations in AI, robotics, and digitization,” he said.

Hadassah Medical Center's Director-General, Prof. Yoram Weiss, expressed pride in their recognition. “Our oncology and cardiology teams, along with our technology and research departments, have earned us a spot on this prestigious list. Hadassah supports its excellent professionals with cutting-edge technology across all medical fields, leading to thousands of patient recoveries each year.”


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