Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennet gave an interview to the German Bild, which was published today (Tuesday), in which he explained his views on the war and on the way the current Prime Minister is fighting it.
In the interview, Bennet explained that Israel should have gone into the war with much greater force and intensity to win the war quickly, saying that Netanyahu should "win the war seriously or make a deal and continue fighting another day." This is especially since Iran wants to force Israel into a war of attrition and "we shouldn't play into their script."
Bennet also criticized Netanyahu's reported desire to fire Defense Minister Gallant over growing difficulties in working together, a desire which many in Israel feel is due to political rather than state concerns.
Nevertheless, when pressed, Bennet said that while he has not yet officially announced his "return to politics," he would not rule out a coalition government with Netanyahu, a government he conceives as a broad unity government of right and left, religious and secular.