A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Or Akiva on Saturday evening when a 4-year-old boy lost his life after his head became stuck in a house gate.
The boy's father was at synagogue and the child was discovered by his aunt, who had come to visit. She who immediately called for help.
MDA teams rushed to the scene, finding the child unconscious and unresponsive. Paramedics immediately began resuscitation efforts, including CPR, while transporting the boy to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera via mobile intensive care unit.
"We found the boy unconscious, with no pulse and not breathing," an MDA paramedic reported. "We began immediate resuscitation efforts and continued them en route to the hospital."
Doctors at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center were unable to revive the child. He was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.
The Times of Israel contributed to this article.