Israel-Gaza War, United Nations

"The solution is not a ceasefire but the elimination of Hamas": Danny Danon takes UN Secretary General to task over war

Responding to a critical post by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres regarding the strike on a school-turned-terrorist outpost, Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon attacked Guterres for ignoring critical context.

Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon. (Photo: a katz/Shutterstock)

Responding to an X post by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres accusing Israel of "dramatic violations of international law," Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon quote-posted with his own strong rebuttal.

In the post, published today (Thursday), Danon said that "What is "unacceptable” the fact you refuse to recognize reality and continue to distort it. Terrorists operating out of civilian buildings previously used by UNRWA are not "innocent." It is unconscionable that the UN continues to condemn Israel in its just war against terrorists, while Hamas continues to use women and children as human shields."

Danon ended by stating unequivocally that "I’ll reiterate: Israel will continue its just war against terrorism. The solution is not a ceasefire, but the release of all hostages still held in Gaza and the elimination of Hamas."


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We have to definitely scrap the UN- a force of evil in this world!
Eli Pinchasi 13.09.24